CTEC2712 Web application development

Unit: welcome

This unit introduces some context and includes a few simple exercises to get you started with the front-end technologies.

These exercises are critical to getting up and running quickly. This unit will provide a basic overview of the technologies that make up the front-end of the web and hopefully raise your level of curiosity enough so that you ask good questions and conduct some of your own research.

The core software tools we will be using are the VSCode text editor and the Google Chrome browser. We aim to introduce the major aspects of these tools without going into huge detail.

If you already have experience with web technologies then these exercises will be very quick to complete and you may learn a few things.

The unit ends with an exercise in which we build an extremely minimal website. We will use this exercise to start gaining practical experience with the basic workflows which will be used throughout the rest of the module. We will touch lightly on the various technologies involved, hopefully without overloading on the details.

As you complete these exercises, if you get confused at any point or notice we missed something important, then please let the module leader know so we can update the materials.

In this unit