This unit introduces some context and includes a few simple exercises to get you started with the front-end technologies.
This part of the module introduces the technologies involved in building an accessible and responsive website with dynamic content. Each week there will be three lectures introducing concepts and three lab sessions where you will get your hands dirty.
This unit introduces some context and includes a few simple exercises to get you started with the front-end technologies.
HyperText Markup Language is a core technology which provides the backbone of the web.
Cascading Stylesheets (CSS) are the main tool for styling the appearance of HTML documents.
This unit will cover flex and grid, the two major alternative ways to arrange elements on a page.
Interactive websites require a means to get user input.
This is typically handled by the <form>
and <input>
This unit covers responsive web design and media queries.
This bonus unit introduces some basic workflows with git and github.